You can submit your membership information and pay via PayPal using the Online Annual Membership Application below, or print out the Annual Membership Application form and bring it to a society meeting along with your payment. You can also use the Contact Us form on our site to request a mailing address.
Annual membership in the Central Ohio Orchid Society is $20 for a single member and $25 for a household, and includes our digital newsletter, The Central Ohio Orchid Society Reporter, which is emailed monthly.
Please see our detailed list of the benefits of a COOS Membership.
Monthly Members' Meeting:
What: Each meeting will have a speaker, demonstration, or a hands-on practice activity. During society meetings our hospitality committee serves snacks. Members may bring their plants (in bloom) to our meetings for our judging competition.
When: Every third Thursday of the month (except August & December) from 6:00 to 9:30pm
Where: Our in-person meetings are at Franklin Park Conservatory, while continuing our Zoom format whenever possible.
Franklin Park Conservatory (1777 East Broad St. | Columbus OH, 43203)
Beginner's Corner: Our novice group meets at 6:00pm before each members' meeting.
Annual Events: Please see Calendar for scheduled events.
By checking ACCEPT and submitting electronic payment, I provide the Central Ohio Orchid Society (COOS) with my permission to publish, reproduce, and distribute any and all photographs of my plants, displays, personal image, and related images taken or that I submit during COOS virtual or in-person activities.
Utilization of images are solely for publication in the COOS newsletter, website, social media platforms, publicity materials, and other COOS fundraising activities.
I acknowledge that this release applies to videotapings and sound recordings, and their subsequent reproductions through video or photograph for the above purposes.
I understand that, as a voluntary participant, I will not be paid for these photographs and/or video footage, and I may revoke my permission for use at any time in writing to the COOS President.
By checking DECLINE and signing this membership form, I decline permission, and understand that Central Ohio Orchid Society (COOS) will make every effort to comply. However, I will assume responsibility to ensure that my plant submissions are marked “not to be photographed.”
I will also take responsibility to ensure my personal image and related images are not recorded or taped, by actions such as: turning off my camera during virtual meetings, sitting out of camera focus in live meetings and holding questions until presentation recording has ceased.
By checking ACCEPT and submitting electronic payment, I am:
Agreeing to uphold the society's Mission of Learning, Growing, Sharing
Acknowledging that all members need to treat each other respectfully
Confirming the understanding that, along with a shared love of orchids, we are bringing a diversity of experiences, beliefs, and backgrounds to the society
We expect all members to act with propriety so the experience is a positive one for everyone. Any concerns can be raised confidentially to a Board member for the Board to address accordingly.